Thursday 27 August 2015

what mountains?

… not to mention, what lake?
5pm today, as Doco and I headed down for our daily (3 days in a row) swim -
looking directly into the sun through the tamarack
5:30pm, at the beach - we found the water - the sun still up, but who could tell?
Looks a bit like my last-year's blood-moon eclipse post.

The smoke is predicted to be blown away south tomorrow, or maybe rained down.
No fires close. 

Wednesday 26 August 2015

a new bedroom emerges

not quite ready for sleepers
Yesterday, Norbert and Chris were constructing a scaffold to stand on to dismantle and rebuild the hay-barn south-lean-to roof.  And voila!  A whole new sleeping spot emerged!  Apparently Tonio has some splendid, wide, 18-foot-long tamarack boards to come next, and there it is.  And, with a new shake roof on top, it will even be dry.  Place your bookings now for next summer!

Tuesday 25 August 2015

Doco's crab apples

I have been rather scathing of Doco's crab-apple crop.  Who ever eats crab-apple jelly?  But look at these beautiful fruit!  I added some to my yellow-transparent applesauce and Doco declares it to be delicious.  Last night he picked the tree clean.  There's a bear around (at Ralph's plum tree).  Now the challenge is - crab-apple what?  Any ideas?
a pleased Doco
and even I can see why

Sunday 2 August 2015

New Denver paddle board

Sadly, the windsurfer board that Douglas bought with his first cherry-picking money some 30 years ago disappeared from the forest above our beach on about July 1st.  My fault.  I should have checked that it had been brought up at the end of last season.  Too bad, too, because the kids (of all ages) had so much fun with it.

So, what to do?   My first day back in New Denver, Rowan and I made a trip to the dump and then poked our noses into the new "Valhalla Pure" store, just to see if they had stand-up paddle-boards.  They did!  The perfect one (according to Rowan and Colin) and at a perfect price - store-opening sale!  So, we are now one stand-up paddle-board to the good.

Here is its first Harris-family day.
On the march from 'Valhalla Pure' down the main street to launch in the lake ...
… by Teagan, Emile and Rowan (it's very light)
Preparing for the launch ...
… can it hold three? (Emile with 'the leash') ...
… apparently so, but ...
… submerged in two inches of water, progress around the mouth of Carpenter Creek to our beach was SLOW 
However,  they arrived.  I missed Griffin aboard
(it took me longer from the launch to our beach than it took the paddlers), but here come Lily and Emile
The 'yoga board' was tested by Rachel and Alice ...
… two 'downward dogs'
Next, Rachel ...
… as 'warrior'
and Rowan, vertical ...
… and in pirouette (guess what happened next?)
Finally, and maybe the best use - Emile about to dump the three damsels (Alice,  Lily and Rachel)
Fun for all!
P.S. Eric came back from Castlegar yesterday with a stand-up paddle from Canadian Tire (and his brother, Paul-Antoine).   Paddle yet to be tried, and all the 'young' paddlers have headed up Whitewater this morning for two days.  Maybe Doco and I … ?