Thursday 24 September 2015

Meo's shoe adventure

Some dozen years ago, on Jenny Chapman's advice, Janet and I each bought a pair of identical (except in size!) Finn shoes - German and expensive.  Mine never quite fit - a size too large?  Stashed away in a bin in our basement, they still looked great - hardly ever worn.  I lacked waterproof shoes, so when the September rains descended and I needed to head out, I thought, "Good. These will do just fine."

Fine to 7th Avenue in the car.  But, trudging off on foot after supper in the dark and the wet to my Celtic fiddle-and-harp "session" at Celtic Traditions, my left shoe began to flap and trip me up.  Huh?  I felt like Donald Duck??  Part of the rubber sole was falling off, pushing the cork in-sole out in front.  No time to turn back, so I removed shoe#1 and proceeded the five blocks in one-shoe-and-one-sock (a wool one).   In our break I inspected the damage - BOTH soles had split across the wide part.  Hmm.  I got electrical tape from Michael and strapped them together to get me home (walk a block, #99 bus, Canada Line, #49 bus, walk a block).  More rain.

With fiddler Sadie I made it to the first bus, but the tape was undoing.  I stood still.  On the walk to the Canada Line, half one sole fell right off.  Chucked that in the garbage on the way by.  Walked gingerly to the train and stood still.  Both shoes looked more-or-less OK from above.  Walked gingerly down the stairs at the 49th Ave station, but the insole slid out the back and remained on a stair above.   Tossed it into the next garbage and made it to the bus.  Stood still again.  Off the bus at Wiltshire Street, I figured I'd pushed my luck on staying upright, so took off both shoes and, carrying the remains, walked home in my socks.  Sopping wet and just a little cold.

Douglas says German technology was taking a hit that week - first Volkswagen-diesel and then this.
JC, what's the state of your Finns?  Beware.
uppers still perfect, but ...
… note the door-mat shining through