Wednesday 28 October 2015

Thomson cross-country bronze!

The Vancouver high school cross-country finals were at Fraserview Golf Course today - two times round the course.  Five runners had been vying for top spots through the season - well in front of "the pack" - and it promised to be a tight race.  Doco and I made it back from New Denver last night to be there.

Ready for the start.  The Kits group, plus Kieran (Lord Byng) tying his shoe.
Left to right: Sepand, Liam, Alexander, Matthew, Julian, Sam, Thomson, Brodie (Jules Verne), Kieran.

At the first bend.  Thomson in the lead for a slow first lap.  It got too dark for my camera on the second lap, but Doco says it was much faster.  The four broke away and by the time they passed me, 100 metres from the end, Kieran led by maybe 10 metres, Simeo (Jules Verne) and Thomson a tight second/third, Thomas (Point Grey) fourth and Brodie fifth.

First and third.  Kieran and Thomson are good friends and long-term rivals in Vancouver  cross-country.  Kieran is "a runner".  Two years ago, Kieran was out with leg-growth problems and Thomson had the field.  Last year Thomson was in Oxford and the races were Kieran's.  This year Thomson is back and Kieran is in form (as a serious runner and cross-country skier) and the two are enjoying challenging each other.  Thomson says, "It was FUN!"

Now, on to the next race - the BC Cross-country meet at Jericho in 10 days.  Here, planning strategy with Ann Hayes, Thomson's Kitsilano School running coach, now retired but still very involved and interested.  She insists that what he needs for the next week is REST.  Hard to do with Canadian Junior Field Hockey training sessions and Vancouver Hawks games scheduled for the weekend.  Ah well.

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