Monday 10 October 2016

Thanksgiving Monday walk

Thanksgiving Monday morning, while Douglas and Doco tried to sort the ranch water system in the fields, Chris offered to take Molly and Ellen to visit the horses at the 'stump ranch'.  I tagged along, on the woodsy trail past the first and second Bosun Lakes (the training route for the 10K Sufferfest run in July - Rachel and Eric plus four girls), then past the third Bosun Lake (Porter's Lake) to the horses' field.  
on the way … Molly's purple mushroom (her phone photo) 
… and these leaves were just like that
Cheyenne, Chicklet, Thunder, and Sparky (I think) ...
… enjoying 'discard' carrots from Mick's field

From the stump ranch, Chris led us up his trail, over 'the hump' to the west of the Bosun-Lakes trail.  It comes down 'Nancy's hill' into the 'far field'.  I had been once before with Chris, in reverse.  He has blazed the trail in part, but I still am not sure I wouldn't get us lost.  Maybe one more guided trip? 

looking south over the far field ...
… and looking north at the three troopers
Back to the ranch house for lunch, then off to Castlegar and the plane home for the three.  Sleeting as we drove down the valley.  Clouds and snow very low on the mountains around us.  But as we approached Castlegar, the clouds lifted and the plane got in and out.  Phew!  A lovely Thanksgiving.

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