Monday 17 September 2018

last to leave

Aug 25.  Candy, Douglas, Molly, Ellen, Annie (dog) and Muffit (cat) were the last of the family to leave.  A whole month of children and grandchildren.  How lucky we are!

There was some question as to whether Ellen would be found in time to go.  The smoke didn't help, but there were some sound clues - not bird.

Two days later, we woke to suddenly-clear sky and sharp shadows.   The reprieve from smoke was only temporary, though the air was never really thick again.

Harvest.  So much fruit.  Pears (Duerichens'); ours only a few days away, to be picked by Mick and Chris.  Italian prune plums - the smaller tree totally picked (no grizzly-bear contender this year), the larger a few days from ready.  Crab apples - boxes to Kay and Koko, Chris to find homes for the rest?  Strawberries - still going strong after their midsummer pause.  Grapes - yummy.  And Doco and I were flying back so could bring only a taste - plus a jar of huckleberry jam!  The rowan-berry harvest (below) is left for the drunken robins (and hopefully not the bear).

Sept.12.  The view from the ranch house as we were about to close it up, alas, at the end of summer.  A day of many squalls, but the plane flew.  Doco and I really were the last to leave, but we have designs on coming back up SOON.  Here's hoping.

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