Friday 19 October 2018

fingerless glove magic

Forgetting that October mornings would be chilly in the ranch house, I never thought to bring my one fingerless glove for first-thing-in-the-morning harp playing (the other glove went missing at the last Saint Patrick's Day parade three years ago).  Cold fingers!!  I do light the cookstove first, but it takes a good hour to get any room warmth.

But … in the Raven's Nest on Saturday to get a copy of Eloise Charest's "Never Without Our Children", I asked Ule, "Do you happen to have fingerless gloves?"  "No, but I'll call Nancy on Red Mountain Road, our knitter, to see if she has any to bring in."  She did, and I went back Tuesday and bought TWO pairs.  Perfect ...

… and they work!  The rest of me may still be chilly, but my fingers can move.  Can you hear "The South Wind"?

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