Sunday 7 December 2014

a Gillison cousin day in Oxford

Ellen, Angus, Molly, Ben
A Sunday afternoon gathering of all the Gillison tribe at Douglas and Candy's in Oxford.  Nineteen of us to a pulled-pork lunch (Nicola's pig).  Harris cousins: Walford - Cole's second cousin - and wife Sue (from the edge of Exmoor), Jenny with husband James and sons William and Ben (from London), Fiona (from Bath), Nicola with husband Tony and sons Matthew and Angus (from Cheddar), and Fran Clemmow (Walford's sister, from near Cambridge).  LOTS of talk - and food.  Amazing to have had everyone able to come.

As the lid was lifting off the house, Fiona took the sprouts to the park near Ellen's school for chilly but lively football.

William, Molly, Matthew, Ellen

 Fiona (with the fancy footwork) and Molly

the gang

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