Saturday 14 February 2015

Valentines Day adventures

Feb.13th.  Hager's Books annual sale - 20% off everything.  Yum.  Owner Andrea was leaving a phone message with Cole (to make sure her loyal customer came!) as Diana and I walked into her shop.  My haul: "Frog and Toad" presents, a new "Bertie" by Alexander McCall Smith, Thomas King's "The Back of the Turtle", and "Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie" by a new-to-me author, Alan Bradley.  That ought to do it.

Feb.14th.  First, a prowl in the backyard.  Lenten roses.  Last year they all got zapped in a January freeze.  This year they have appeared in their full glory, seen out our bedroom window.

descendants of the "original" from the Watney garden
Then, to the Musqueam Cultural Centre Gallery, on the river edge of the Musqueam Reserve, to see an exhibit of artifacts from the Marpole midden - "cesna?em, the city before the city" - the native village here on the north shore of the Fraser River (straight down from Wiltshire Street) until 1500 years ago, when it seems that the village people moved down-river, to the newly-formed delta at the present Musqueam site.  (The Marpole village name, cesna?em, is pronounced something like "tsus-naam" and the e's are actually upside down - but how to do that on a Mac?)   Remnants of fishing gear, jewelry, basketry, cooking implements, mauls, adzes...  Descriptions of canoe-making, house-building…  All fascinating, and from right here!  There are two other parts to this exhibit - at the Museum of Anthropology and the Museum of Vancouver, so we just need to stir our stumps to get there too.

the Musqueam Cultural Centre
Musqueam land at the Fraser River's mouth, seen from the Centre

And finally, a "muddy walk" along the Southlands Bridle Path beside the Fraser River.

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