Tuesday 10 March 2015

Musqueam exhibit #2

Two pieces that I particularly liked from part-two of the Musqueam ("cesna?em") exhibit, at the Museum of Anthropology, UBC ...

First.  Musqueam sturgeon fishers with 30-foot-long harpoons, circa 1850

Second.  Five photos from a sequence of moving images, showing the development of the Fraser River delta and the migration of native villages, further and further out-to-sea.  The sequence also shows the colonial settlement as it developed (open circles, and shading that my camera didn't catch).  Cesna?m appears on the Fraser's north arm and "Musqueam" on the ocean's edge in the third photo.  Most of the exhibit was Musqueam stories, told by current band members, and their thoughts about their heritage and their future.

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