Sunday 15 March 2015

Saint Patrick's Day parade

Here I go again.  My first parade since about the age of 10 when we kids all decorated our bicycles with crepe-paper and rode around the neighbourhood.  And it was fun!  I had decided to go only at our Thursday evening "session" at Celtic Traditions, where I was convinced that I could at least carry my smallest, Zephyr, harp (as long as the rain held off).  To be seen and not heard.

Two problems.  First, I had no strap arrangement to help with the carrying (Molly suggested that I needed a wagon and a puller, but no time to come up with either), and even my littlest harp weighs.  I figured I could last about two tunes.  Second, I hadn't got the chords for the particular eight tunes that we were to play firmly in mind - I hadn't done my homework.  Should I or shouldn't I?

The day dawned cloudy, with just a bit of spit, and off I went, harp on my back.  Granville bus downtown to Davie Street.  Then over to Howe and Drake where the parade was to begin, and backwards up the Howe-Street bridge-ramp where the entries were gathering all in order (Scottish pipers, Irish dancers, dogs) to #C34 - "Celtic Traditions".  We were flanked, in front by Academie Duello (medieval sword-play and stuff) and behind by the Vancouver Canadians baseball team.  Celtic??  Nearby, the Aquarium had a seal mascot riding in a pedi-cab - perfect for me and a harp I thought, but no room for sharing.  I would have to walk.
our pub competition warming up
an Irish dance school getting sorted
our Celtic Traditions "float"
ready to go 
 At 11am, the line began to move, down the ramp and into the crowd.  We walked and played and smiled and before we knew it we were at Georgia and Granville and the parade was done.  45 minutes.  I had carried my harp and played - sort of - for the whole parade.
our fearless leader, Michael Pratt, had us playing all the way
the one harp 
At the end, a photo in the street, then off to the Kingston pub.  Our gang downstairs for Guinness, lunch and a "session".  Our competition, a Scottish bagpipe-band, overhead.  Loud!  Thank goodness they played only a few songs.

So I am hooked … but have my eye on a pedi-cab for next year.

1 comment:

  1. FUN! Looks like there would be some sort of strap arrangement that could be rigged up. Are there not harp straps already out there for all those marching harpists?
