Tuesday 7 July 2015

Idaho Peak

July 7.
A Tuesday morning outing, up to Idaho Peak with our ten friends, plus Chris and Tia.  No snow on the road (except a small patch at one switch-back) and none on the ridge.  Only one patch of slide lilies, spotted from the car on the way down.  'Late' flowers well in bloom.   Glorious as always to be up there - at least once in the summer!
the gang - or 'gaggle' as Doco called us
the assorted straggle - all chugged to the top for a picnic lunch
Silverton, New Denver, and Rosebery, with smoke in the air
Anemone 'tousle-tops' and lupine
Paintbrush and lupine
I was quite pleased with my little camera's flowers.

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