Thursday 21 August 2014

to the Alamo

or "Galena Trail 2"

Well, I didn't exactly get us lost.  Just added an hour of hike.  Diana and I set off from ThreeForks to the Alamo mill, first along the Old Sandon Road ("trail not maintained").

Turned right at the top of the hill - all fine.  It's my favourite sort of trail - narrow, well-worn, criss-crossed with small tree roots, sided by bunch-berry and mossy rock.
Then we came to "confusing corner".  Took the downwards path but, after about a minute, I decided we were missing the mill, so back to confusing-corner.  Next, 10 minutes up the "ALAMO" road - Thomson and Teagan, you know this one from last summer (so did I, but I forgot).  Turns out it goes UP to the mine, not DOWN to the mill.  Back to confusing-corner.  Next, 20 minutes along what must be the Old Sandon Road, west across Howser Creek.  A very nice trail, but clearly past the Alamo and not the one we wanted.  So, back to confusing-corner and, 2 minutes down our first path, there we were in the day-lily and stone-wall remnants of Mr. Cunningham's garden by his collapsed house.   Exactly where we wanted to be.  Maybe I'll get it right next time?

"Found", we followed the path down through the jumbled remains of the mill to the Galena Trail and back to ThreeForks.

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