Wednesday 29 October 2014

last Oak Street Farmers' Market in 2014

This year, for the first time there is no "shall-we-or-shall-we-not" for next year.  So far, it is all "go".  Here is a sampling of our faithful vendors and musicians and volunteers at our last two 2014 markets.

Mohra of Forstbauer Biodynamic Farm in Chilliwack

Joseph and Judy of
Anderson Organic Farm in
Spences Bridge, BC.

It was SO wet that day, but people were buying produce right to the end of market.

Shelley of Sweet Thea's - pies of Thomson's pie-eating contest fame

Wing-Siu and his son Andy
Donald Adams

The first season that spirits are allowed at farmers' markets.  Here is "Back Yard" wine. 

The Blatherwicks drove from Northern Saskatchewan with their crop of wild rice.

And Langley Organics brought a box of kittens!  
This one found a home with one of the vendors.

Clarence is always there to sharpen knives and kibbitz with the volunteers.  

For the Hallowe'en market, he came as a Sasquatch, to go with Mary Forstbauer's lion.  

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