Wednesday 14 January 2015

"My corner" of UBC

On Wednesday afternoon, back on campus for the first time in a month, I found my corner of UBC (as seen from my home in the Wesbrook Building, at the corner of University Boulevard and East mall) to be in more of a mess than ever.  This corner has been a construction zone my whole life at UBC.  I thought that, when the Bookstore rebuilding was finished in the summer, at least this part of the corner would be calm.  But no.  Today, outside my window, they have the entire street dug up - between the Bookstore and the Wesbrook Building.  They are putting new hot-water-heating pipes throughout the campus (replacing the ancient steam-heating system) and I guess it's our turn this month.  A big job!  Students-and-all stream in and out of the Bookstore in a narrow path between wire fences.  And the opposite corner, across University Boulevard, is still a major construction site - the nearly-complete Alumni Centre and Student Union Building.  They have also begun dismantling Empire Pool and have construction underway all around it.  Funny thing is it all feels quite normal.  I figure that by the time I finally "retire" everything will be done and all beautiful.   Will I recognize it?

Wesbrook Building, itself quite tranquil -
 until they start the renovations before Biology joins us
Views from Wesbrook, left to right ...
Michael Smith Building, with pipes
Bookstore and Chemistry from the Wesbrook steps
Alumni Centre behind the fence
In the gap, a flagperson tries to keep walkers and construction apart 
Corners of the almost-done Alumni Centre and Student Union Building
with a start on Empire Pool demolition in the distance

Then, as Diana and I were walking in a mob of students past all this mess, whom should we meet but Rowan (no photo).  What are the chances of that?  Diana figures that next year, on one "bad day", Rowan could run into her grandfather, grandmother, godmother, uncle, and aunt!

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