Monday 29 June 2015


At the 'Musee des Beaux-Artes de Montreal'.

Skipping out of the meeting on Sunday, Diana and I headed for Rodin.  A good walk on a pleasant breezy afternoon, from our hotel up to Sherbrooke Street, with a stop for lunch at 'Vego', a vegetarian buffet that Flor introduced us to at the 2011 Human Genetics conference.  Many meals this trip!

The Museum was a bit of a puzzle.  I guess I haven't been for several years.  The old museum says RODIN, but we couldn't find a way in.  Then we turned around and spotted the new museum - also RODIN - across Sherbrooke Street.

the old ...
… and the new
The Rodin exhibit is huge (171 pieces) and so are many of the sculptures.  I much preferred the big ones, especially the 'patinated' plaster versions like "the Thinker" and "Eve", ready for bronze casting.  Not sure I have the processes entirely sorted - needed a clear stepwise demonstration.

the Thinker (in patinated plaster)
Eve (in patinated plaster)
Adam (in bronze) - controversially pointing to earth rather than to heaven
All interesting, but both of us had had enough of classical bodies and wished for some normal variation.

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