Sunday 17 May 2015

field hockey crew at Wiltshire Street

Nine Ontario field hockey players at Wiltshire Street for a 5-day junior Canadian camp.  Rowan and Nikki "in charge".   No photos of their hard work on the field - back home after their first day: me, "anything you need?" Shannon, "can you get me a new pair of legs?"

Just a glimpse of their 'home' life … a Friday supper of leftovers.  Five for supper (Nikki, Sam, Shannon, Adrienne, Rowan); four off with Vancouver friends or relations (Chelsea, Ashley, Olivia, Rebecca).
Rowan serving up ...
… good food ...
… and after food, a phone each.
By 7:20 am next morning, all nine up, breakfasted, packed up and out the door to training in West Van.  No fuss.  No stragglers.  I am impressed!  Rowan and Nikki as drivers of two resident cars - our Fit and Douglas and Candy's van (which has been a key tool for both last August's camp and this one).
water bottle? socks? stick? ...
A couple of hours later, Doco and I took off for New Denver in the Subaru, leaving Wiltshire Street to the nine for their last two nights.

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