Tuesday 26 May 2015

the Bath

After 20-plus years of lying unused amid the thimbleberries and wild roses, "the Bath" has just been revived by Stephen Hornsby.  He remembers delicious times in it when a PhD student at UBC with Cole in 1979-81.  Now, here from the University of Maine with his also-historical-geographer wife-of-almost-one-year, Anne Knowles, he was determined to get it repaired and functional (and tested!).  Our wedding present to Stephen and Anne (who had been here for two snowy days in March, 2012) was a week with us at New Denver, and they came all the way from Maine to collect it!
Bath de-leafed and scrubbed, brick-walls patched with clay, pipe replaced from fire-box to chimney,
 fire laid and ready to light ...
"So, how come the smoke comes out my end?"
a new-old stove pipe from Chris did the trick ...
… and the Bath was ready for bathers  … works best with two
Tested and found to be PERFECT … "the Bath" is ready and waiting for you all!

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