Wednesday 13 May 2015

Wiltshire Street blueberries

For the last several springs, the crows and raccoons have been making hash of many Vancouver lawns.  Their prey - the larvae of the chafer beetle - juicy, white, 1-inch, C-shaped grubs - munching on grass roots down a few inches.  The crows dig away with their beaks in broad daylight.  The raccoons move in at night.

Our lawns have been mostly spared, but this spring the front south patch - not really lawn, just bluebells and moss - got well dug up.  Fine.  Never mind grass.  Let's make it a blueberry patch.  The two-legged digger got to work.

After discussions with the planter, "Mr. Harris", the three little boys next door are already looking forward to blueberry picking, en route to collecting our mail while we are at New Denver.  With raspberries and now blueberries, we do seem to have a mostly-berry garden, all coming ripe when we aren't here.  Oh well.  As long as somebody enjoys them!

1 comment:

  1. Wow. A blueberry patch. Great. I guess that they won't be bearing this July? Not the most useful bit of lawn anyways.
